Oshkosh Sets a New Record in Their Safe Quality Food Audit

Great Northern Packaging – Oshkosh has completed its SQF audit for 2024 and is pleased to announce its renewal of the Safe Quality Food (SQF) Certification. This certification validates that Great Northern has robust food safety control systems effectively implemented in its manufacturing process. SQF is recognized by retailers and food service providers around the world who require a rigorous, credible food safety management system.

This year, the Oshkosh plant received its best audit score earning 99 out of 100 possible points, breaking the record they set last year with 97 points. “Our Oshkosh team is dedicated year-round to maintaining and improving the level of safety, cleanliness, and quality we put into our day-to-day duties,” said Oshkosh’s SQF Coordinator Jamie Sanchez. “Our team sees it every day through the safety and cleanliness of our facilities, and our customers see it in the high-quality products that they receive. Receiving an all-time high score of 99 out of 100 is a validation of the effectiveness of our quality systems and the dedication of all Oshkosh employees to maintain this high level for our customers.”

This SQF annual re-certification allows Oshkosh’s customers, both food and non-food, to be confident that they are receiving top quality, food-safe cartons.

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